This website provides a fast and easy way for Hawaii residents to learn about and apply for health insurance assistance.
Use the “Am I Eligible” link to answer a few questions to see if you might be eligible for assistance. You can use this without creating a user account or completing an application.
Use the “Apply for Benefits” link to complete an application on-line. You must create or have a user account to use this feature. If you do not have a user account, you can set one up when you first select this option. Completing an application on-line will likely take 30 to 40 minutes and you need to answer all mandatory questions before you can submit the application. If you do not have enough time or all the information, you can save your application and return to it later.
Use the “Access my Benefits” link to view information on your account. If you have an application pending, it will show up here. Right now, all you can do is to view your application status. If there is a determination, you will receive a notice in the mail. In the future, you will be able to use this feature to obtain notices and to report household changes such as address or phone number changes as well as adding new family member.