Installment Payment Plan

Although all charges are due and payable in full at the beginning of each term, students in good financial standing at APSU may set up the Installment Payment Plan by paying 25% of their balance due for tuition and fees, housing, and meal plan for the fall and spring semesters on the Clarksville Campus. The remaining 75% is spread out in 3 more payments throughout the term.

The Installment Payment Plan is not available for summer terms.


A student who has failed to make timely payments in a previous term may be denied the right to participate in the Installment Payment Plan in future enrollment periods. A student who is denied participation may be allowed to participate again only after completion of payment in full for 2 consecutive terms which allow the Installment Payment Plan (fall and spring).

To avoid late fees and ineligibility for the Installment Payment Plan in future terms, the student should continue to make payment by each due date. Check OneStop for the new payment amounts after drop or withdrawal. Remember, if you withdraw after the semester has begun, you are still responsible to pay the balance of tuition and fees, dorm and meals.

Toggle Terms

After making the initial 25% payment by the fee payment deadline, the remaining 75% will be payable in three monthly installments.