With Node.js

You can work with Accord Project templates directly in JavaScript using Node.js.

Documentation for the API can be found in Cicero API.

Working with Templates

Import the Template class

To import the Cicero classes for templates and clauses, we'll also import the Cicero engine and some helper utilities

const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const < Template, Clause >= require("@accordproject/cicero-core"); const < Engine >= require("@accordproject/cicero-engine"); 

Load a Template

To create a Template instance in memory call the fromDirectory , fromArchive or fromUrl methods:

const template = await Template.fromDirectory( "./test/data/latedeliveryandpenalty" ); 

These methods are asynchronous and return a Promise , so you should use await to wait for the promise to be resolved.

Note that you'll need to wrap this await inside an async function or use a top-level await inside a module

Instantiate a Template

Once a Template has been loaded, you can create a Clause based on the Template. You can either instantiate the Clause using source DSL text (by calling parse ), or you can set an instance of the template model as JSON data (by calling setData ):

// load the DSL text for the template const testLatePenaltyInput = fs.readFileSync( path.resolve(__dirname, "text/", "sample.md"), "utf8" ); const clause = new Clause(template); clause.parse(testLatePenaltyInput); // get the JSON object created from the parse const data = clause.getData(); 

Executing a Template Instance

Once you have instantiated a clause or contract instance, you can execute it.

Import the Engine class

To execute a Clause you first need to create an instance of the Engine class:

const engine = new Engine(); 

Send a request to the contract

You can then call execute on it, passing in the clause or contract instance, and the request:

const request = < $class: "org.accordproject.latedeliveryandpenalty.LateDeliveryAndPenaltyRequest", forceMajeure: false, agreedDelivery: "2017-10-07T16:38:01.412Z", goodsValue: 200, >; const state = < $class: "org.accordproject.runtime.State", >; const result = await engine.trigger(clause, request, state); console.log(result); 

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