HRCT chest (protocol)

At the time the article was created Bruno Di Muzio had no recorded disclosures.

Last revised: 25 Jul 2024, Arlene Campos ◉ Disclosures:

At the time the article was last revised Arlene Campos had no financial relationships to ineligible companies to disclose.

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High-resolution CT (HRCT) of the chest, also referred to as HRCT chest or HRCT of the lungs, refers to a CT technique in which thin-slice chest images are obtained and post-processed in a high-spatial-frequency reconstruction algorithm. This technique obtains images with exquisite lung detail, which are ideal for the assessment of diffuse interstitial lung disease. A full HRCT protocol usually includes additional acquisitions:

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HRCT is particularly useful in the assessment of diffuse lung conditions involving the interstitium such as:

HRCT may be used to evaluate extent of disease, monitor treatment response, and select biopsy sites in the setting of diffuse interstitial lung disease. Uninformed referrals commonly request for a "high-resolution" CT of the chest with the notion that HRCT represents a better version of a "standard" CT chest, however this is a misconception.


HRCT is performed in order to visualize small structures of the lung and detect subtle changes of disease that otherwise may be difficult to assess on conventional chest imaging 3 . Prone HRCT imaging is useful in patients with basal disease, eliminating changes due to gravity or dependant atelectasis.


Sequential spaced acquisition

HRCT was historically developed to improve spatial resolution in the era of the first-generation scanners (sequential image acquisition technique) and, later, was further used with similar parameters in the second generation scanners (helical scanners). Today, this technique is still used by some institutions, even when scanning in a multidetector row CT scanner (MDCT), as a way to reduce patient exposure to radiation. Also, when going for a full three acquisitions HRCT protocol, the additional expiratory and prone imaging can be performed as sequentially spaced in addition to a volumetric inspiratory acquisition.

Volumetric acquisition

Nowadays, MDCTs are ubiquitous and, therefore, volumetric thin sections have become standard. Volume imaging with thinner slices allows detection of a greater degree of pathology and also allow reconstruction in any plane.