Building Momentum - A New Public Service Agreement 2021-2022


These proposals would deliver an extension of the framework of public service agreements, including the most recent agreement the Public Service Stability Agreement (2018 - 2020) which is due to expire on December 31st

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FAQs - Building Momentum

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The establishment of an independent body to assess issues in addressing the Haddington Road hours is a key provision of Building Momentum.

Chapter four of Building Momentum 2021-2022 provides that the parties to the Agreement recognise and accept that certain measures introduced under the Public Service Stability Agreements, including the “Haddington Road Agreement” are considered outstanding matters to be resolved as part of this Agreement. In this context an Independent Body chaired by Kieran Mulvey, former head of the Workplace Relations Commission, was established in April 2021.

Links to the Independent Body’s Report and submissions made to the Body are available below: