Firefighter Job Description

Learn about the key requirements, duties, responsibilities, and skills that should be in a firefighter job description.

By Paul Peters, Apr 25, 2021

Paul Peters is the Chief Editor of Betterteam. He's a former print journalist and small business owner and has written articles for a variety of newspapers, magazines and websites.

two Firefighters holding a water hose <a href=and putting out the blaze on the scene" width="730" height="365" />

Firefighters protect and rescue people from fire and emergencies. They respond to a variety of emergency calls including fires, car crashes, chemical spills, and flooding. These rescue professionals are often required to have in-depth knowledge of first aid and CPR methods.

Firefighter Job Description Template:

We are on the hunt for an experienced firefighter to join our team of qualified professionals. Your central responsibility will be to extinguish fires, as well as respond to accidents and emergencies. Other duties may include delivering emergency medical care, performing property inspections, and participating in regular fire drills.

To exceed in this challenging role, all candidates should have the desire to help others, as saving lives and protecting property is a vital part of the job. In addition to being an excellent problem-solver, the successful candidate will also demonstrate outstanding stamina and physical health.



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